[Combat Start] Apply 2
Defense Level Up to 2 allies adjacent to this unit on the Dashboard
[On Use] Next turn, the leftmost Skill Slot of 1 other ally with the highest Max HP gains +(Highest Reson.)
Aggro (Once per turn)
- At 4+ highest A-Reson., apply 1
Protection to the ally next turn when they gain
Aggro (Once per turn)
![keyword icon](https://img.kusoge.xyz/limbus/img/icon/MDEMaa.png)
[On Use] Next turn, the leftmost Skill Slot of 1 other ally with the highest Max HP gains +(Highest Reson.)
![keyword icon](https://img.kusoge.xyz/limbus/img/icon/Aggro.png)
- At 4+ highest A-Reson., apply 1
![keyword icon](https://img.kusoge.xyz/limbus/img/icon/Protection.png)
![keyword icon](https://img.kusoge.xyz/limbus/img/icon/Aggro.png)
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