Rose Wedge
- Max Potency: 10
- Max Count: 4
- Gain 1 Potency every time this unit takes 10 Bleed damage
- When gaining Bleed or 'Unique Bleed' from getting hit, gain 2 Bleed and inflict 1 Bleed against the Attacker. (5 times per turn)
· At 10 Potency, gain +1 Bleed Count as well when triggering the above effect.
- Turn End: lose 1 Count
- Combat End: at 10 Potency or 1 Count, this effect expires, and this unit takes (Potency x 10) Lust damage.
- If the unit inflicted with this effect dies, or when this effect expires: increase Bloodfeast by (Potency x 10), and deal (Potency x 2) Lust damage against all of its allies (min 1)
Max stack : 10
Dispellable : true
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