Stagger Threshold
75% (807)
0% (0)
When the body is broken, spend all accumulatedpastmirror</color>.
When the body is broken, all Attack Types and Affinities become ineffective(0.5) against the body starting next turn until the end of this encounter.
When the body is broken, all Attack Types and Affinities become ineffective(0.5) against the body starting next turn until the end of this encounter.
When the Steam Blaster is broken, completely spend all parts' breath.
After the Steam Blaster is broken, gain vulnerable</color> equal to the number of breath</color> every time this unit gains breath</color>.
After the Steam Blaster is broken, lose 1 breath every time this unit uses an Attack Skill.
After the Steam Blaster is broken, gain vulnerable</color> equal to the number of breath</color> every time this unit gains breath</color>.
After the Steam Blaster is broken, lose 1 breath every time this unit uses an Attack Skill.
combustion</color> and laceration</color> Potency maxes out at 30.
combustion</color> and laceration</color> Count maxes out at 5.
combustion</color> and laceration</color> Count maxes out at 5.
When gaining sinking</color>, gain 1 additional Potency and Count
level: 50
If at 50+ accumulatedpastmirror</color>, and if Core's HP is less than or equal to 80%, Core gains 200 HP by spending 50 accumulatedpastmirror</color>.
Gain 1 Attack resultenhancement for every 80 accumulatedpastmirror every turn.
At 80+ accumulatedpastmirror</color>, gain +1 Slot.
At 80+ accumulatedpastmirror</color>, gain +1 Slot.
If the accumulatedpastmirror</color> is an odd number, gain 3 vulnerable and attackdmgup
If it is an even number, gain 3 protection and attackdmgdown
If it is an even number, gain 3 protection and attackdmgdown
Allow me to describe this steam—discharging machine! ‘Tis a gargantuan metal beast, nigh threefold mine height! I observed four lamps of sorts, each displaying certain numbers in the middle of its body. ‘Tis called a ‘vacuum tube’, if my memory serves me right! Though I spied naught else of note, closer scrutiny revealed that this machine is filled with remarkably elaborate bits! Huge gears are attached to its arms and legs, and atop its torso are chimneys ceaselessly discharging steam! ‘Tis akin to a colossal factory given life and mobility, is it not? Quite the fetching specimen, if I do say so myself! → …? We’re letting the lass write this report? Are we okay with this? → I doubt she will attempt to ingest this entity. This will not be like the incident with the chickens. There is no need for concern.
We had a kerfuffle with the machine! Its approach was, as expected, to pound us using its large and hefty body! Alas, there was one little aspect which I have failed to foresee… Its assault of hot steam, exploding from its arm—chimneys! High-pressure steam bombarded us, like water from a fireman’s water hose. ‘Twas hot enough that mine own eyeballs were thoroughly boiled to blindness! Ah… and another detail to call thine attention to! I believe its steam escalated in strength and heat the higher the numbers on its torso rose. I recall it vividly, as the time it took for mine eyeballs to thoroughly cook varied depending on the number! → I think the numbers represent the time we took to get here… The number on the machine was the same as the one we saw on the train. → Interesting… We’ll have to hurry if we want to get out of this station. → Guys? Are we just going to ignore how the kid said it cooked her eyeballs off like it was nothing? Guys?
I scribble on, for I have further findings to share! I witnessed the machine repair itself, though I understand not its exact workings. Ah, and the number on its torso changed also! Hohmm… ‘twasn’t that it released tiny machines to repair itself; it was as though it un—did the damages that had already transpired. Ah! ‘Tis similar to how Manager Esquire revives us, is it not? Mayhaps I must inquire them to learn further! → Ohh… Is that why you requested a meeting? Sorry, but I don’t exactly know how my rewinding works, either… → We do not have enough data to determine if any links exist between these two regeneration methodologies. I am unable to draw a conclusion at this time. → Shattering its vacuum tubes seemed to prove effective against this entity. It was unable to reconstruct itself once they were destroyed.
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