Stagger Threshold
At the start of the turn, if the Mūrti is broken, apply 30 cycle and 3 vulnerable to a random other ally, then enter a mode of Anatman (Non-Self).
During this state, the Abnormality’s behavior changes, and all its attacks target units indiscriminately.
During this state, the Abnormality’s behavior changes, and all its attacks target units indiscriminately.
Whenever the Mūrti recovers, its Max HP increases by 20%.
level: 50
[On Use] Apply 2 Attack resultenhancement to a random other ally
[On Hit] Apply 2 Attack resultenhancement to a random other ally next turn
[Clash Win] Halve negative status effects on this unit
[On Hit] Inflict 2 Attack resultreduction next turn
At the start of the turn, if an ally is present, gain 10 protection.
All units transfer 10 of their cycle to their targets after a successful attack.
(5 more cycle is transferred per Clash count.)
cycle is not transferred to My Form Empties as long as its allies are alive.
(5 more cycle is transferred per Clash count.)
cycle is not transferred to My Form Empties as long as its allies are alive.
Recording the information gained from an encounter with the entity. This entity was first identified by the Preliminary Observation of LCC Before Team, and it was to be captured by After Team's Special Ops department. However, it appears that we encountered it through the mirror before they could perform the task. With the above-mentioned facts in consideration, I will describe the information gathered from Before Team's observation and our encounter with it in a comprehensive manner. -The Abnormality is speculated to be a statue created as an idol for worship. -The Abnormality appears to be floating in the air at all times, and shows no particular movement outside of gesturing with one hand. -Is ■■■■ with a related Abnormality ■■■■■■; may suggest a connection of some kind, though details are unclear. [Authorization from a higher security level is required to access the data.] -Similar to how it floats, it attacks by "levitating" objects and sending them flying. Concluding the report. → Those cleaners found it first? I thought it was their job to catch 'em and put 'em away? → As explained before, we stand between multiple different possibilities via refractions. After Team may have been late in this possibility, or even nonexistent. → (A writing seems to have been scribbled out with a pen.) Alright, I got that loud and clear. → Someone is unconvincing.
Recording the information gained from encountering the entity in battle. I will describe its behavior during combat. It was always accompanied by a group of followers. Observation suggested that they were under the influence of a type of mind control. The lack of any common factors shared by all followers in terms of attire or other external features added further plausibility to the speculation. It appears to attack using a khakkhara holding spiritual significance.The staff floated in a similar manner to the Abnormality. It looks as though the staff has its own sentience. Also, due to an unidentified interference...most attacks proved ineffective. Attacks to the core will not achieve much until the cause is found. I will note progress made in a future report. Concluding the report. → Wait, wait. You forgot that weird ring. → It…gives a strange feeling. I don't know why it comes to us, but when it sticks to the back, it feels...strange. Like a pressure is weighing down on the mind… → You had the time to feel all that? As for me, the hit I took while the ring was attached to me cut me in half by the waist. I can almost still feel it even now. → Really…? I, I don't think I got hurt that bad. → Hm. That does remind me of the occasion when the airborne ring returned to me at one moment. It may be the case that there is a rule behind its movement.
Recording the reason for the unsuccessful attacks. Its followers appear to be directly linked to the Abnormality. The Abnormality will most likely not suffer meaningful damage until all followers have been defeated. There seems to have been a kind of contractual obligation that requires the followers to protect the Abnormality. There is another discovery to report. After its body has been broken and the head has fallen, it started attacking its own followers at random. Although breaking the body was an arduous task, it proved to be quite effective for its suppression. Concluding the report. → It almost looked angry, the way it moved. I guess… It was lashing out at its minions for failing to protect it? → To think it would punish its soldiers on the front lines for errors in the operation. It's hardly surprising that a floating statue makes an incompetent commander.
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