Stagger Threshold
50% (253)
0% (0)
-50% (-253)
The Shell Part retains its resistances even during Staggered state.
level: 50
[On Hit] Lose 7 SP
[Unclashable][Target Fixed]
Targets aacepcbh primarily
Defeats aacepcbh upon attacking
Targets aacepcbh primarily
Defeats aacepcbh upon attacking
[On Target Kill] Gain 3 aacepcbh.
Turn Start: If at 0 aacepcbh, become Staggered. Pearl loses all Affinity Resistances by 0.5.
Gain 10 aacepcbh when recovering from Stagger.
Gain 10 aacepcbh when recovering from Stagger.
Fix this Part's speed to 1 for a turn when using Devouring Fluid.
Um… So, that green clam, right? It reminded me a lot of one of those Trash Crabs. Like the green slime, the ocean smell… you know. It looked and acted like… a clam. I think. It had these shells that were shut tight. … Though the Clams I’ve seen before didn’t have arms or legs like this one. And… they weren't as big as this one. We decided to wait and see for a bit before attacking, and… its shells would open up. And in there was some… gurgling, bubbling green liquid that was spilling out of it, and… oh. Yeah… There were some weird… larva-like things in there, and… (There is a mark on the page. Something wet dripped here and dried.) → Huh? What’s this here? Where’d the lad go without finishing the log? → If by ‘lad’ you refer to Sinclair, I witnessed him leaving hurriedly to the deck. I could tell from his pale countenance that he was, like myself, suffering from seasickness… → Augh, bloody hell! That’s disgusting! → A closer observation of the residue reveals that it is perspiration, not vomit. Do not worry; this will not have a negative effect on the cleanliness of the records. → Fau… I didn’t need to hear that either…
Its shell… was too durable. We could strike at it for ages and it won’t break. It’s like our attacks were doing nothing… Oh, uh… I did try something, though. Since my halberd’s pretty long, I thought that maybe I could wedge it between the clam’s shells and try to twist it open by pressing it down… I learned it in school, uh… what was it again? Like a counterweight on a lever… Well… it didn’t work, though. All it managed to do was to break my halberd in half. But I think I learned something from that experiment. When the thing’s shells are shut, green slime seems to gather around it, making sure that the shells would stay shut. So while I couldn’t open it… I was able to tear some of the slime off, at least. Maybe getting rid of those slimes first could help us open it up and attack its softer parts? → Hmph, why did you not record the part where you flailed wildly with the broken pieces of your halberd, soldier? → H-how is that relevant?! → That is pertinent information. Despite your ineffectual attempts at drawing their attention, the larvae from the entity’s effluvia instead opted to attack allies that were in a better state than you were. → This was a meaningful discovery. However, your meaningless struggle with an ineffective weapon could have been a part of this record as well. → … Meursault… Faust… come on…
There was a pearl inside the Clam. … I don’t even know if it’s right to call it a pearl. All I saw was that odd, twinkling light inside the bubbling toxin. But I’m sure that twinkling light… is this Abnormality’s core. … It’s just a shame that we had to suffer so much before getting the chance to attack its pearl. I-I guess I’m starting to understand… now. Or maybe I’ve just grown used to it. We’ve always had to sacrifice ourselves to solve anything, after all… → Glad you’re learning something new, kiddo… but how about this? Say… like, not just standing around in an emergency? → No need to coddle him about it. Oi, we all died because you were busy celebrating, goin’ “I-I did it!” after getting the clam’s gob open. → … Sorry…
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